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Trainer vs Entrepreneur

by The K9 Guy, on 02-06-19

Many years ago I discussed various business models for dog training. With the economy always changing, businesses are always adapting. Today I thought it might be helpful to discuss some thoughts regarding those I refer to as "dog entrepreneurs".

As businesses adapt and grow, a common strategy is to diversify. More services equals a broader customer base - which means more income. In the pet service industry there has been a huge push over recent years for boarders, groomers, sitters, retailers, and even Veterinarians to start offering training services. The end result is that owners are barraged with a host of marketing terminology, offers, and service options. And this creates a lot of confusion for owners seeking best options for themselves and their pet(s).

In simpler times (just a few decades past), trainers that focus on obedience and behavior services provided the bulk of help to owners wanting a well behaved dog. I'm certain most owners appreciate the benefits of training a dog, as you rarely see well trained dogs that are problematic. Additionally, many of the more recent behavior studies I've run across cite training as the most important component of successful therapy for behavioral issues. With today's changing service markets, I think it's more important than ever for an owner to call and ask questions of potential service providers. Details are becoming more important - credentials, education, experience, AND VOLUME of business (related to whatever service you are seeking) can reveal a lot of useful information.

Every pet and owner will have different personalities, goals, and agendas - so no single service provider can be the best match for every individual. However, if you are really interested in training a dog, or have a significant behavioral problem, using a trainer is probably going to be a better choice than using a business that offers a plethora of other services. Remember the adage "jack of all trades, master of none". I wouldn't expect my Veterinarian to train my dogs, any more than I would think I could provide medical advice for her pets. IME Veterinarians are best for health care, pet stores are best for pet products, and trainers are best for dog training and behavioral assistance.

Have a great dog day!