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Holidays and Getting a New Dog

by The K9 Guy, 12-14-16

With Christmas fast approaching many families will be adding a new dog to their families. I've written many articles on this topic over the years, and I'm not going to re-hash the information. However, you may wish to review a few (or all) of the following articles...

One item I always deem most important is choosing a dog based on it's personality - not looks, breed, back story, etc. A dog will be with you for a significant portion of your life - choose one that fits well into YOUR world and lifestyles.

The video below shows a family doing just that. They took their kids to a meet and greet, as a way to do an "in person" assessment of a dog they were considering for adoption. The dog was a good match and got a new home!

Make the acquisition of a new pet a thoughtful vs emotional process. This will help things work out best for everyone, including the dog.