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Dog Training and Treats

by The K9 Guy, 03-02-17

The use of treats in dog training is so prolific, that many owners are surprised to find we didn't use any at a visit. In fact, I can probably count on the fingers of one hand the number of times I use treats each month. When used, it's always for one of two specific exercises I might assign owners for 3-7 days. There are several reasons I am not an advocate of treat training.

First, I believe a dog's behavior and listening skills are directly correlated to a their respect for an owner. Using treats for teaching does nothing to build leadership. So with many dogs having a variety of behavioral issues, treats will actually degrade a dog's respect for an owner. I work very hard at every visit to help owners become better leaders. I have no interest in teaching them to become a vending machine.

Second, while treats can be used to lure a dog into positions, that's all they're learning with treats. If your dog will sit for a treat - great. Will s/he sit without the treat? What about when the doorbell rings, or the car door is open, or a squirrel runs across your path? Treats can be a fine starting point, but if you're still using them more than a few days, or your dog isn't listening around distractions, it's because you're teaching tricks - not obedience. Treats are training wheels - they need to be faded quickly if used.

And finally, too many treats are just bad. Most offer poor nutrition, and the more they're used, the more likely the dog's overall nutrition and health can be at risk. Canine obesity is a very real and increasingly common problem. 90% or more of a dog's caloric intake should be healthy nutrition. If a dog's being stuffed with treats all day, that probably isn't happening.

At the end of the day, I've not found much usefulness for treats in dog training. If you're using them and happy with your results - great. If you're using them and not happy - give me a call.