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Do You Know The Warning Signs of Dog Aggression?

by the K9 Guy, 02-23-08

Every day you can find reports and news stories of dog attacks. In many cases the owners will say something like "he's such a sweet dog", "we've never had any problems before", "we don't understand this" or "we're stunned". In reality, many of these dogs DID have previous behavior that should have sounded a warning that trouble may be brewing. Do you know some of the warning signs of dog aggression?

When I begin working with a new family and their dog I always take about 30 minutes to complete a thorough evaluation of the dog. Many of my questions may seem strange to the family, but if I'm going to be working with a dog I don't like surprises or getting bitten. As a professional, here are some of my "red flags" indicating a dog may have aggression issues:

You'll notice that none of these warning signs mention specific breeds!

While this list is not all inclusive, they're common problems that always initiate further discussion on one of my visits. If you've seen any of these problems in your pet, working with a professional to resolve the behavior can limit the chances of trouble down the line. As with most things, the sooner a problem is addressed, the better chances are it can be corrected.