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My Top 10 List of Dog Mis-Information

by the K9 Guy, 05-10-13

Over the years I have come to find many common preconceptions when visiting owners. Many of the items below are all the rage on the internet, others are rhetorically reinforced among some training camps. Today I thought I would share my "Top 10" common points of dog advice that in my experience bear no substance.

10) All aggression is fear based.

9) All fearful or skittish dogs were abused.

8) All dogs of the same breed will be similar.

7) The most important ingredient for training success is a dog's intelligence.

6) My young dog will outgrow its problem behaviors.

5) Dog parks provide healthy socialization.

4) Dominance is common in many dogs, and letting dogs sort out pecking order is natural.

3) Ignoring a dog when mis-behaving removes the attention it seeks, and will teach the dog to stop the behavior.

2) Correcting a problem degrades the relationship an owner shares with their dog.

1) Good behavior and reliable obedience come from relationships based entirely on friendship.

Read a more detailed article on this topic HERE.