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The Placemat Command - Training Challenge

by the K9 Guy, 08-13-11

Read more about Training Challenges here.

PLACEMAT: The Placemat command teaches a dog to go to a mat and remain there until released. Owners can think of this command as a 'crate without walls' as the dog is allowed to sit, lay and move - as long as paws remain on the mat. While this command is extremely convenient when you need a dog to comfortably "stay" in a certain location, from a learning perspective it is unique as it requires a dog to move away from the owner.

Rate your dog's ability with the PLACEMAT COMMAND:

INTRODUCTORY STAGES: Dog needs help moving on the mat and learning the parameters of successfully maintaining command.

BEGINNER: Dog will go a few feet to the mat, in a single location, and stay there for 30 minutes if there are no distractions.

INTERMEDIATE: Dog will go to many feet to the mat, in various locations, and stay there 1 hour with limited distractions.

ADVANCED: Dog will go substantial distance, to various mats in any location, and remain there indefinitely regardless of any and all distractions.

Training Challenge : Assess your dog's current ability to perform a placemat command and work during this month toward the next level of achievement. If you're already advanced, work on further practicing these skills by challenging your dog in new environments and situations.