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Spay and Neuter Health Studies

by The K9 Guy, 07-18-14

Many owners have concerns about spaying or neutering their dog(s), and whether it can cause any undesired health or behavioral issues. Like all things human, everyone has an opinion! Today I wanted to post some links to several studies related to health and spay/neuter.

The following list contains studies pertaining to this topic. If you know of others, please feel free to contact me and I will be happy to update this post.

2020 - Univ of CA/Davis - Assisting Decision-Making on Age of Neutering for Mixed Breed Dogs of Five Weight Categories.

2013 - Univ of CA/Davis - Golden Retriever Study finding higher health risks regardless of early or late age spay/neuter.

2013 - Univ of GA - Study of 40,000 dogs finding spayed/neutered pets live longer but have higher incidence of cancers.

2009 Journal Article - Cohort study finding intact female Rottweilers have better longevity.

2004 JAVMA Article - Retrospective cohort study suggesting early neuter of male dogs offers more benefits than risks.

2004 Record Study - Intact dogs less likely to develop anterior cruciate ligament ruptures.

2002 Cohort Study - Intact Rottweilers less likely to develop bone cancer.

2001 JAVMA Article - Cohort study suggesting intact male dogs less likely to have cognitive impairment with aging.

2001 JAVMA Article - Cohort study suggesting no health or behavioral issues for 4 years following pre-puberty neuter of male dogs.

1999 Database Study - Neutered/Spayed dogs have higher incidence of cardiac tumors.

1998 Database Study - Neutered/Spayed dogs at 2x risk for osteosarcoma.

1994 Case Study - Intact dogs less likely to suffer from hypothyroidism.