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Socialization and Dogs

by The K9 Guy, 08-17-10

I often see dogs who have issues with other dogs, are afraid of something or someone, or otherwise don't behave well in certain circumstances. Often owners have questions pertaining to "socialization". Because the internet and many other sources often seem to advocate socialization as a cure-all, I thought a post on this topic might be helpful......

Socialization for dogs is a critical component in developing a calm and well adjusted dog. It's important for dog owners to understand that socialization is a process of introducing a dog favorably to aspects of this world - teaching a dog what is "normal". What many people fail to understand is that dog's are best served by this type of learning at a very early age. The majority of a dog's understanding of its world is defined in the first 4 months of life, by which time any experiences (good or bad) often become hard-wired into their personality. Therefore, early socialization is critical in stacking the deck in your dog's favor. Working with a certified trainer can help you to accomplish this needed learning effectively.

While socialization is important for a young puppy, socialization is also a limited solution. It can only help a dog by preventing or reducing anxiety. Socialization for an anxious older dog (over 4 months) may still be beneficial, but as an exclusive therapy it will likely fail and may make matters worse. Additionally, MANY problem behaviors have little if anything to do with anxiety. Socialization in these cases is not only futile, it can exacerbate the problem behavior(s).

My reason for discussing this topic is to help owners understand that socialization is not a simple and full-proof solution to many behavioral problems. If your dog is anxious or misbehaving in certain situations, repeated exposure to those situations without a clear overall strategy could actually make matters much worse. If any of this sounds familiar, perhaps it's time to consider some professional help....