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Shepard 1999-2009

by The K9 Guy, 10-25-09


Last night we had the sad duty of saying farewell to Shepard, a part of our family for the past 10 years. I often think dogs are God's Angels here on earth, and if that is true, then certainly Shepard was one of His finest. 'Shep' loved everyone. He even impressed the staff at MedVet with his friendliness, cooperation, and good spirits - right up to his final hours. As we were visiting Shep in the hospital last evening my wife commented how he "always goes with the flow". Absolutely true.

Shep came to us around 6 months of age when we adopted him from Franklin County Animal Shelter. He was pretty lean at first - "hollow" as my wife described him. Once on a good diet his weight improved, and that hollow drum sound disappeared when we'd pet him on his side. He went on to be a very loyal and loving companion throughout his life, and gratefully was ill only a few weeks.

As I write today, I'm remembering all of the little things that made Shep so very special to us:

Of all the things I learned from Shep during our time together, his ability to "go with the flow" and enjoy every moment is the one I'll remember most. It's certainly an area where I (and probably many of us) fail. Shep led a rich life with this precious ability to savor each moment. Even his final weeks in the hospital seemed an adventure and opportunity to make new friends. His loving demeanor touched many lives to his last day.

Shepard, you'll always be with us. I know God takes care of His kindest creatures, and pray you're now enjoying calm, sunny days until we meet again.

looking for a belly rub