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Remembering War Dogs on Memorial Day

by The K9 Guy, 05-24-13

While I hope everyone enjoys a restful weekend with their friends and family, I also hope everyone takes a few moments during this weekend to reflect on the reason for the Memorial Day Holiday - to honor and remember those in the armed services who have died serving this country and protecting our freedoms. Every time you enjoy freely expressing an opinion, please consider the soldiers that made sacrifices to protect that right for you. Others in many parts of this world do not enjoy our freedoms!

Since I am a dog trainer and this is a dog blog, I'd also like everyone to remember there have been thousands of military working dogs who have helped keep our soldiers safe - many have died or been injured during that duty. There's a very nice website at http://www.uswardogs.org/ which details many personal stories of these dogs, and provide a bounty of additional information.

Happy Memorial Day !

memorial day