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Open Letter to All Clients

by The K9 Guy, 08-25-16

Thank you for choosing The K9 Guy for your training and behavioral goals. Every client's success is very important to me! Please take a few moments to consider the items below. A dog can't improve without an owner's help.

  • DO YOUR HOMEWORK: The homework I left after your visit is designed to help you toward your goals. You don't need to spend hours every day training, but you should plan 45-60 mins each day for a few weeks. As things progress, time requirements will lessen. In the future, some maintenance work will always be a necessary part of daily routines. Good wishes don't move things forward. Improvements take work! Work with your dog as part of daily routines.
  • READ: I spend several hours every week posting news, informational stories, and articles on my website. A daily visit to my "Daily K9" page will provide additional insights, understanding, training ideas, and inspirations about life with dogs. Please take advantage of this resource, and feel to share it with friends and family!
  • COMMUNICATE: Training is a process, and ongoing communication between trainer and owner is important. While I always try to be thorough at visits, please call if you have questions or you're not seeing improvements. When things are going well, sending email updates as requested can help me track your progress. Regular communication allows me to continue offering best options and advice in the future.

Thanks again for having me work with you and your dog(s). Now it's time to get to work and help your dog to be its best! Trained and well behaved dogs always enjoy a much richer life.