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Every Dog Deserves a Job

by The K9 Guy, 09-01-16

As we prepare to celebrate Labor Day this weekend, I'd like to take a few moments to discuss work. In particular, work for dogs.

Work is good for dogs. Work can develop maturity, thinking ability, nurture confidence, and build a sense of pride. And work can be a great bonding opportunity between a dog and its human partner. While not every dog can be a service animal, military hero, or patrol our streets, all dogs can be given jobs that provide work and benefits.

In particular, I'm speaking about obedience training. Reliable training is education, and education serves as the foundation for all future work. The learning involved with training can help all dogs become better. Better companions with better behavior, better listening skills, and other desirable traits noted above.

As obedience improves, there are many ways to build out performance. That can include advanced obedience, or specialty training like scenting, agility, or sports. Or it may mean breed specific goals like herding, hunting, or tracking. For some, actual service work like assistance, therapy, rescue, etc. may be an option.

So if you're searching for a job for your dog, everything begins with obedience. Learning even basic obedience IS work - it IS a "job". Every dog deserves a chance to develop their full potential, so "get them working"!

As we celebrate Labor Day this weekend, I hope everyone has a safe and restful holiday - especially all working dogs!