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Commands in Motion - Training Challenge

by The K9 Guy, 06-11-11

Read more about Training Challenges here.

MOTION: Dogs learn differently than people. Even though a dog may understand sit or down, most dogs learn these commands while being stationary. A critical component of thorough training involves teaching a dog that commands are also required when they are moving.

Rate your dog's ability with MOTION COMMANDS:

INTRODUCTORY STAGES: Dog must be helped to sit/down/recall using a leash or lure while he/she is moving.

BEGINNER: Dog may sit/down/recall if moving slowly and in calm settings without distractions.

INTERMEDIATE: Dog will sit/down/recall when moving at normal activity levels even if distracted.

ADVANCED: Dog will sit/down/recall even during heightened activity and distractions(running/chasing/playing).

Training Challenge : Assess your dog's current ability to perform commands while moving and work during this month toward the next level of achievement. If you're already advanced, work on further practicing these skills by challenging your dog in new environments and situations.