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Body Weight in Dogs

by The K9 Guy, 10-17-16

October 12th was National Pet Obesity Awareness Day. Most owners are aware of the many health benefits of maintaining their dog's ideal weight. However, I think some owners have difficulty judging whether their dog is at that ideal weight. The video below is a bit long, but it does a great job explaining how to actually look at your dog, and determine whether they need to eat less (or more). If you feel your dog needs to reach a healthier weight, I will offer a few thoughts...

A first step of adjusting any pet's weight is for owners to measure the food they're feeding. I've yet to meet an owner who does a good job "eyeballing" correct measures. If your dog needs to loose some weight, you need to cut back on how much you're feeding. If you're dog needs to add weight, add more food. There's no way to do that other than measuring at every meal, and making reasonable adjustments.

While we're at it, the portion recommendations on any dog food should be viewed as a general starting point IMO. You will still need to measure and make adjustments. As noted in the video, there are different body types, different metabolisms, and different ages. Looking and assessing your dog's weight (in an ongoing manner), is the only way to assure proper weights throughout your dog's life.

Finally, treats are typically high in calories and poor in nutrition. Our dogs get a few treats each day, but 90% or more of their daily caloric intake comes from their kibble. If you feel the need to treat your dog, the video discusses several healthy options.

Taking care of your dog's health begins with a good diet, fed in correct portions. Learn how to look your dog over, so you can maintain healthy weights throughout his or her life.