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Balanced Approaches to Aggression

by The K9 Guy, 08-08-16

I read various topics posted on social media every day regarding dog training. I ran across the video below last week. It's VERY LONG (45 mins), and offers the opinion that dogs are like wolves. Being wolf-like, dominance is a large part of a dog's world and language. The video seems to be put together as and indictment of positive only training (which lacks any dominance), and offers its popularity is the reason so many dogs are aggressive. A lot a dots to connect there.

As I get a bit wiser (hopefully) each year, I often find that MY truth often lies in the middle. In the past, I've offered thoughts on dog training based on pack mentality, and also on dominant dogs. I'm certainly no fan of positive only training approaches, and the video has some very enlightening footage from some of that movement's greatest advocates. On the other hand, the video also gives the impression that all aggression stems from dominance on the part of a dog. In my experience, the vast majority (70% or more?) of biting dogs are anxious, not dominant. Also, there are many profound differences between domestic dogs and wolves.

For me, aggression exists on a continuum, with fear based behaviors on one end, and truly controlling (mean) behaviors on the other. Most aggressive dogs live somewhere on the middle of this continuum, very few fall on an extreme end. So I find that best solutions require a balance of insight, methods, and LEADERSHIP. Trainers with the best track records always have flexibility, and fluidity on this behavioral continuum. Some dogs need firm measures at times, some need gentle patience, and all benefit from strong leadership (which can guide them toward trust, confidence, and success).

While I hope you'll take time to watch this video, please be aware there is a lot of very graphic images of bite victims, aggressive dogs, etc. NOT FOR THE FAINT OF HEART.