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home daily k9
training coach

10 Year Service Anniversary

by The K9 Guy, 11-21-17

December 2017 marks 10 years of providing dog training and behavioral services in Central Ohio. I certainly want to thank all clients who have invited me into their homes, to help with varied goals for thousands of dogs.

When I started as a professional trainer, I was in the latter years of my 33 year career as a firefighter. For many years I was essentially working 2 full-time jobs. After retiring from the fire service, I have continued working 40-50 hours (or more) every week with my training business. Between these two careers, I have provided over 43 years of full-time service.

In the years ahead, I would like to make more time for some of my other interests - my dogs, family, friends, hobbies, etc. So beginning in December, 2017, I will be reducing some of my service area and work hours. Details can be found on my "Fees and Services" Page. To continue providing timely service to all clients, I will also limit new client "sign-ups" when my schedule is getting too full.

Additionally, I have posted monthly articles related to dog training on my website. I take great care in what I write, so most articles take over 4 hours to draft - currently there are over 200 informational articles available. While I will still post occasional articles in the future, they will be less frequent. I will, however, spend more time revising, refining, and re-organizing content.

During this month of "Thanksgiving", I want to offer a heart-felt "Thank You" to all who have made the past 10 years so rewarding. It's been an honor to provide service for so many dogs, owners, and families. I will look forward to continued service in the future, but also spending a bit more time with my circle of dogs and friends!